Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) provides important information regarding “Bike Race Rush” (“we” or “our”) in respect to user information collected through our mobile applications and the use of the information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By accessing or using our appyou acknowledge that you have read and understand the Policy, accept this Policy and agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not use the Service.

1. Personal and non-personal information

1.1 Children's Use of the Platforms.

we has developed its Platforms to be an enjoyable experience for users of all ages. Some parts of the Platforms are primarily targeted at children, such as many of our Apps, while others are intended for parents, such as our Sites and Programs. Whenever we refer to children in this Privacy Policy, we mean children under the age of 13, unless otherwise indicated.

we complies with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), a U.S. law designed to protect the online privacy of children. we takes precautions designed to protect the online privacy of children, and we encourage parents to take an active role in protecting their children's privacy by discussing this Privacy Policy with them.

If you have any questions or comments about how we treat children's information or our compliance with COPPA, please contact us as set out in the How Do I Contact we? section. If you would like to learn more about COPPA, you can refer to the Children's Privacy section of the Federal Trade Commission's website.

1.2 Sites and Programs

We does not knowingly collect personal information as defined by COPPA from children through its Sites or Programs. If we learn or have reason to suspect that we have collected personal information from a child in violation of COPPA, we will promptly delete it. Parents should note that if they provide information about their child through a Site or Program, COPPA will not apply to that information.

1.3 Apps

• List of Child Directed Apps.

For a list of Apps that we treats as being primarily directed to children under COPPA (Child Directed Apps), please contact us as set out in the How Do I Contact we? section.

• Collection, Use, and Sharing of Information from Children.

We collect, use and share personal information from children through our Apps as follows:

•Registration. For our Child Directed Apps, we treats all users as children and does not screen users for age or offer registration.

•Local Notifications. Our Child Directed Apps may allow children to receive local notifications on their devices. This means that we may send notifications to the device at preset times, but will not collect any personal information in connection with the notifications. These notifications may be turned off at any time through device settings. We do not use push notifications in our Child Directed Apps.

•Persistent Identifiers. we collects, uses and shares persistent identifiers, such as device identifiers or IP addresses, through our Child Directed Apps solely for the purpose of providing support for the internal operations of the Child Directed Apps or as otherwise permitted by COPPA and other applicable data protection laws. This information may be collected by we or another entity providing a service to we.

•In-App Advertising. Some of our Child Directed Apps incorporate advertising serving technology offered by our service providers, which enable advertising to be temporarily uploaded into the game and replaced while the user plays. The data collected for this purpose may include persistent identifiers solely for the purpose of providing support for the internal operations of the Child Directed App as permitted by COPPA and other applicable data protection laws, such as allowing our service providers to calculate the number of views, cap the frequency of ads and serve ads in a format that fits the device. Please note that while our Child Directed Apps may contain advertisements about we or products and services of another entity, we prohibit behavioral advertising to children in our Child Directed Apps or through data collected from our Child Directed Apps.

Subject to our compliance with COPPA and other applicable data protection laws, we may collect, use, share and otherwise process personal information from children in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We may also seek verifiable parental consent as necessary to comply with COPPA and other applicable data protection laws. In either case, we will not collect more personal information from children than is reasonably necessary to participate in our Child Directed Apps.

• Security

We take reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality, security, and integrity of children's personal information collected through our Apps, including by taking reasonable steps to release such information only to parties capable of maintaining its confidentiality and security. We retain children's personal information only as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, and delete such information using reasonable measures to protect against its unauthorized access or use.

• Parental Choices and Controls

As part of the verifiable parental consent process, where applicable, parents and legal guardians will have the choice of consenting to our collection and internal use of their child's personal information but prohibiting us from disclosing that information to other entities (except to the extent such disclosure is integral to our Apps). Additionally, any parent has the right to: (1) review, correct, or delete the child's personal information; and/or (2) discontinue further collection, use, or sharing of the child's personal information. Please note that exercising these choices may restrict your child's ability to access certain functionality of the Apps. To exercise any of these choices, please contact us as set out in the How Do I Contact we? section.

If you are a parent or guardian and believe that we have collected your child's personal information in violation of COPPA, please contact us as set out in the How Do I Contact we? Section, and we will remove such information to the extent required by COPPA.


2.How Do We Use Your Data?

2.1 Deliver ads that more accurately reflect your interests.

2.2Perform analytics to see how you and other players use our sites and/or apps. This helps us provide you with more useful customised content. For example, we can offer you more relevant games and select new games based on what’s popular.

3. How Do We Use Cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of information (small files) stored on your device. As the app developer, we place cookies when you visit our website, as do the third-parties that we work with directly to deliver games and ads. While we control this process, you can use our consent tool to make choices about the cookies you wish to allow and the personal data processing that occurs with the help of those cookies. Because of the way online games and ads work, third parties with whom we do not work directly, but who also deliver games and ads via our website, may also place cookies. This is not something we can control.



We have changed our data processing practices to comply with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (EU GDPR) by following the data minimisation principle and anonymising, pseudonymising or deleting personal data where feasible. When using our services the advertising identifier will be anonymised by encryption in a way that we won’t be able to decrypt it without your help. This means that we will only store these personally identifiable data: a) analytics identifier used for the purposes of internal analytics and b) IP address on third party webservers for security reasons to help us detect and prevent fraudulent activity and to get country information needed for cross promo ads. We will still need to enable our Advertising Providers to collect your advertising identifier, IP address and other data to show you ads. We have executed Data Processing Agreements with such partners to make sure your data is safe. Your can opt out of advertising at any time by following instructions in Right To Object Section of this GDPR Statement. Should you not want Third Party Providers (Apple, Google) to use your data for the functionalities within the App, please do not log in or use their services. Some of the Third Party Providers store or transfer data outside EEA.

5. Third party websites and links

We may provide links to our website or third party websites. Our Privacy Policy will have no effect on any third party websites’ privacy policy or their usage of personal information collected. Our Privacy Policy as expressed herein does not apply to other parties, and we do not dictate the collection or usage of information by them. We do not take part in the operation of third party advertisers or websites.

6. Amendments

We may amend our privacy policy from time to time by posting the amended Policy on our website, without directly informing our users. Therefore we encourage our users to review this policy frequently. we reserves all rights and interpretation to the Policy and its amendments.